1hr 9min
felix, yong en and leonard took 1hr 9min to complete yishun from 100+ to 900+
we took bike to cycle around yishun and we have explore many school and know where are the location on this school, it would make it easily for us to do EVAX. and also without God we could not complete these mission. Thank God for letting us complete this mission.
__love me
|7:56 PM|
going that extra mile
I never knew that when I go that extra mile many things can be change. I managed to go that extra mile to Jinqiang's house to make sure that he come for service. after all, its really works. Jinqiang and Bengte did come down for service and they did enjoy themselves at the service.
I want to pray that they would also be able to attend the service next week as well, I don't mind going that extra mile to bring them down for service. I have to do something if I want to see things come to pass. Even through I used to have misunderstanding with them before but I knew that after today things will began to change and God will work through each one of us and change our life into what he want us to be.
when we gives our 110% to God, God will work through our life and changes us. God also created us to be a leader that we can influence other people around us and change their lives into a much meaningful one. I pray that God can really use me and change other people lives. well, no one came to church at first with the right mind set and the right purpose, but God works through us and change our mind set.
Dear Father, I thank you for the great service today. I also want to thank you for bring Jinqiang and Bengte down for service today. Father, that you also reminded me of something that is very important that we must not give up, we must press on to see result. Father, I also want to pray that you can really bring Jinqiang and Bengte to church next week and that they will really come and know you and experience you care and love for them. Father, I also pray that you will forgive my past and change me into a better person more caring towards my friends. Father, I thank you for everything that you have given me today, the fun, the joy and the spiritual learning experience. I pray all these in Jesus' name. Amen.
__love me
|10:13 PM|
Is God Real?
yes! God is Real. God have work through many one of us, change us into a better person. God also lead us into the path which he have chosen for us. if God is not real, then give up why hold on to God when you think he is not real?
for me, I have experience and seen how God have worked through me changing my life into a meaningful one. I knew that without Jesus in my life I would still be lose and I wouldn't have achieve what I have achieve today. what I have gain today is belong to Jesus because he is the one whom have given me all these. he the one whom shower his love and care on me and he is always there for me. he is the one whom let me find the direction out of the maze and my purpose of life.
I'm really to serve God and willing to do his work. I have also seen some of my friends life being changed because they have come to know Christ but what matter the most is 'Is God Real'. If God is real then give him your 110%, God have done his part for us and we shall also do our part for him. to brothers and sisters out there, I hope that you can really find the answer to this question and live a meaningful life with God. once you have know the answer to this question then you can serve God wholeheartedly.
Father, I pray that as I have known the answer to this very powerful question, I will give you my 110% and serve you wholeheartedly. I also want to pray that during this exam period that I can really depend on you and trust you for that you are the answer to everything in the world, without you we would not get what we are getting now. Father, I also want to repent on my sins today that you will forgive my sins and I will change that I wouldn't repeat the same mistake again. Father, I also pray that you will give your blessing to those who have came here to read my entries and you will touch their heart will these entries that they will accept Christ and taste your love and care for them. lastly, I want to pray for Pastor Jeff's dad that he would really have a speedy recovery, Pastor Jeff's dad is a testimony on how you have work through him that he have been through the operation safe and was recovering in the process. Father , I thank you for this time and I pray that I would have a wonderful day ahead. I pray all these in Jesus' name. Amen.
__love me
|9:45 AM|
What is God's power to save? 1 Cor 1:18-31
from 1 Cor 1:18-31, its say that Christ is the power and wisdom of God. this verse shows us that Christ the answer to everything in the world and with Christ in us no one can pull us away to sin.
for the foolishness of God is wiser than man's wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than man's strength. this verse tell us that let God lead us because God's foolishness is wiser then our wisdom and the God's weakness is stronger then our strength. we are not as wise as God and we are not as strong as God, so why not allow God to lead us through instead of us choosing the wrong way.
from 1 Cor: 18-31, its also tell us to be humble before God. for that God will use the foolish things of the world to shame the wise and the weak things of the world to shame the strong. God choose to do this so that no one can boast before him.
it is because of him that you are in Christ Jesus, who has become for us wisdom from God—that is, our righteousness, holiness and redemption. this verse tell us that because of Christ we get our wisdom from God. human is not wise by nature, we need God to lead us through and depending on him for that he is much stronger and wiser then anyone of us. we should allows God to work through us and not lead our own way of living because we may fall into having more sin.
for those who have not came to know Christ yet, I believe that after you have read this post you will understand how Christ have work through us to change us. Christ give us a new purpose of life and a new direction, why not depend on him? have a personal relationship with him to taste the goodness of Christ, this is my challenge to those who have not came to know Christ yet. Christ is your friend is your savior is someone that could pull up when in time of troubles. Cast all your care and love on him and he will deliver what he have promised to you.
__love me
|10:49 AM|
I want to share about the growth of North.
I have seen converts for the past weeks, but I'm not contented with the growth of North. it have been still for quite sometime this should not be the way as in the Kingdom of God should not stop growing. it should be forever expanding. that is why I want to outreach on Monday. I want to see more people convert. I want to fulfill the promises that I have given to God.
I want to see that CG08 coming true. I want to challenge North that during exam period we should invite more people to come down to church for during exam people need Jesus to lead them and give them their purpose. and we ourself must also depend on God not only during exam times but always for that God is always there no matter what. His love for us will never change.
I have also have new goals and targets for myself. as I walk with God more and more, it made me understand that I should forever depend on him. I have been challenging myself to be a Shepherd by end of September, and a Care Leader at the end of December. I want to see things come to past, I want to see life transformation in North, I want to see growth in North. I really pray that during this exam period we can see more converts in the church.
Father, I thank you for the great service just now. I pray that Father you would work in everyone of us to fulfill your mission, to complete your work. I pray that you will use everyone of us that outreach for the people out there whom are still struggling, not matter what is our age, how long we have been in church as long as we are willing to be use by you, you will use us. Father, I also want to pray that as our exam are coming near and near I pray that we will depend on you for our exam. I also want to pray that you will use me to outreach for more people out there and let them meet you and testify that you are real. Father, I also want to pray that I can really hit my goals and targets by the deadline I have set for myself. I pray that you would really work in me and change me. Father, I thank you for everything that you have given me. I pray all these in Jesus' name. Amen.
__love me
|11:15 PM|
I want to share how God have never fail his promises to me.
it's say that when we put our trust in God, God will deliver what is best for us and what he have promises us to give us what is best for us and what we need. God never fail these promises. when the time comes God will gives us what he think is best for us. God know us very well, such that he will only give what is best.
God promised that give me a new life after I received him, guess what God really did it. and when I ask God for more friends in church, he also brings more friends into my life. God have totally change into another which was totally different from before I received him. the decision come for me to surrender to God become I see a lot of life transformation and the fruits of God.
that the reason I can fully put my trust in God, for that he only give me what is best for me. and what I really needed. needing something and wanting something is totally different. need meaning that its really required. want meaning that its something that you don't need but wanted to have because someone is having it.
I want to also encourage brothers and sisters out there that you will really put your life into God and that be sure that God will work through every vessel in your body and change you into a totally different person. brothers and sisters I also want to challenges you guys to put your heart and soul into serving God rather then spending your time in other things. when you serve God, God will deliver every promises that he have made to you. and if you want to serve God, start now! make full use of your youth to serve God. Last challenge to all of you if that do have faith in God, for that he have faith in your. and to surrender every area of your life to God.
Father, I pray that today you will work through us change us to be more and more like you. I pray that you will touch our hearts today overflow us with your love each day. I pray that Father you will forgive our sins. renew us each day with your knowledge. I pray that you would help us fulfill each and every promises we have given to you, be it CG08, studies. that you will work through us to see that these would come real. Father, I thank you today for reminding me of be responsible and be accounting. For these are important that you would see a different in us when we are more responsible and accounting to you, not only to you but also to our shepherd. Father we yearn for your words to strengthen us each day, that we would all be renewed. Father, I pray that as we are outreaching for more people to expand your kingdom, you would extend your hands to those whom are out there still losing their direction and purpose. Father, we really want to see more people come for service every sat and to fulfill CG08. Father, I thank you for what you have given me. I pray all these in Jesus' name. Amen.
__love me
|7:10 AM|
want to share something great.
I was Holy Spirit baptise today. I was also able to speaks in tongues. this would further enhance me with my walk with God. I was also able to communicate with God through the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is a Spirit that would pull me up during tough times.
This was a gift that I have receive from God. I knew that ask I continue my walk with God I know that my life would be transform and that the Holy Spirit would also be able to help me open the door that is locked to allow God to come in and take care of that area in my life.
I knew that God have a good plan for me. God have also knew me from inside out. I also knew that God is a God that would fulfill his promise for me. The gift that I have receive from the first day I receive Christ was a lot. I knew that I wouldn't have change and been through so much without God. I want to tell God that I would never ever leave him, for he redeem me from my sins and change me to be a better person each day.
Father, thank you for the great event just now. I thank you for baptise me with your Holy Spirit. I also want to thank you for everything that I had today, everything when good. I also want to pray for AI and YSS that we would be able to hit 15 for YSS and for AI that they would be able to have their own Care Group. I also want to pray that I would be able to hit my target I set for myself, a 8 points in my N level as well as be a shepherd by Oct. I also want to pray that for those who are taking their major exam, be it N, O Level or End-Of-Year Exam that they would be able to do well in their paper and achieve what they want to achieve. last group which I want to pray is for people who doesn't know you yet, I pray that one day they would come before you and surrender their life for you. I pray that you would use us to outreach these people and let them come to your presence. I pray all these in Jesus' name. Amen.
__love me
|9:17 PM|